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 Return the alias of the current or a specified DBV work area


    V_ALIAS( [<nDBVArea>] )   ->    cDBVAlias


    <nDBVArea> is any valid DBV work area.


    V_ALIAS() returns the alias of the DBV work area <nDBVArea>. If no
    <nDBVArea> is specified, then the alias of the current work area
    is returned.


    V_ALIAS() is used to return the name of a DBV work area. This name
    is either the name of the DBV file or the name specified as the
    second parameter in the V_USE() function. If there is no DBV file
    open in the <nDBVArea>, V_ALIAS() will return a null string ("").

    Any function which accepts a DBV area as a parameter can also
    accept an alias in place of the area.

    The alias is always returned in capital letters regardless of how
    it was passed to V_USE().


  . Do not confuse Clipper's alias names with FlexFile's; they are
    mutually exclusive. For example, you can have a DBF file with an
    alias of "MYFILE" and simultaneously have a DBV file with the same


    // Open two DBV files in two new areas.
    V_USE( "file1", "file_one" )// Creates if not existing
    V_USE( "file2" )         // Creates if not existing

    ? V_ALIAS()              //  Returns: file2
    ? V_ALIAS(1)             //  Returns: FILE_ONE

See Also: V_SELECT() V_USE() V_FILES()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson